mercredi 15 décembre 2010

Father George Dimas - Presentation

Currently (today is December 15, 2010), Father George Dimas is responsible of the following, within the Orthodox Archdiocese of Beirut:

- Economos (which is actually his title in the Archdiocese)
- Judge in the Orthodox Religous Court
- Rector of Saint Mary's Orthodox College
- Rector of Beirut Annunciation Orthodox College
- Rector of Ecole des Trois Docteurs
- Rector of Ecole Saint Elie - Mousseitbe (currently closed)
- Father and responsible of the Parish of Saint Mary's Annunciation church of Achrafieh

In addition to these functions, Father George Dimas also represents Metropolite Elias Aoude, and at times Patriarch Ignacius Hazim in a load of conferences and occasions.

If I missed any of Father George Dimas functions, please comment on this post so that I could correct the information.

mardi 26 octobre 2010

Father George Dimas

Father George Dimas

This blog is about Father George Dimas, principal of Saint Mary's Orthodox College of Beirut - SMOC - (currently rector of the Beirut Orthodox Schools, which count besides SMOC, BAC (Beirut Annunciation Orthodox College) and ETD (Ecole des Trois Docteurs).

While searching the internet for information about George Dimas, I found that there were many persons around the world with that name, but I couldn't find any pertinent information about Father George Dimas.  Of course, knowing to which organization he belongs and where he works, I could find that information, which is not the case of anyone who does a search...

Thus I decided to create this blog to put together some information about this well-known figure of the Lebanese society, in particular of the Beirut Greek Orthodox society.

If you know anything about Father George Dimas, or would like to share anything about him, please do not hesitate to put your comments on this blog.